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Storage for Fruit and Vegetables

Short term storage of produce can last anything from a few hours to a few weeks. To keep produce fresh and firm high levels of humidity are required, this in turn provides a good condition for pathogens to developed and sporulate. Once it starts growing it shows up as mould on stems of peppers and tomato, mould on the small nicks and bruises that were caused during harvest and packaging.


To keep your produce in top shape a small amount of ozone can be introduced on a continuous basis to prevent a build-up of spores in the cooler environment, which will cause inoculation of freshly arrived produce. A small amount of ozone similar to the outside environment is sufficient to keep sporulation under control.


The best control will happen when a daily, weekly or monthly high spot treatment can be programmed in during a time period when no people are working in the storage environment.



Agrozone has developed system for one room treatment and systems that can be used in up to 26 different storage environments at the same time and all at different levels. Bulb coolers for the storage of bulbs ranging from tulips to hyacinths and from irises to elephant ear tubers have been equipped with Ozone systems from Agrozone.

Early season freshly harvested Bell Peppers can also benefit from being exposed to storage under an ozonated environment prior to packaging.

A couple of the key requirements for a successful introduction of ozone in a storage working environment are:

  • Proper sizing of the equipment

  • Training of all personnel that will operate the equipment

  • Accurate measuring equipment, working with ppb

  • Good ozone injection equipment

  • Excellent air circulation


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